728x90 728x90 파워잉글리쉬12 [파워잉글리쉬] The Crisis of Pandemic-Related Medical Waste The crisis of pandemic-related medical waste 펜데믹 관련 의료 폐기물의 위기 Although the first year of pandemic brought with it environmetal benefits, like less air and water pollution, the second year revealed serious problems in terms of medical waste. The World Health Organization (WHO) released a report about the negative impact the glut of personal protective equipment and billions of vaccination syring.. 2022. 6. 17. [파워잉글리쉬] My First Job: First Day at Work (2022.04.15) My first job: First day at work 나의 첫 직장: 출근 첫날 Hi, I'm Shane Durant. It's my first day of work. Do you know who i'm supposed to check in with? I'm not sure. It's my first day, too. My name is Kelly. Nice to meet you, Kelly. Have you been looking forward to this day as much as I have? Maybe more! I have high expectations for this job. Me, Too. I read that Flat Iron has the lowest employee turnove.. 2022. 6. 17. [파워잉글리쉬] First Visit to the Optometrist (2022.04.14) First visit to the optometrist 안과 첫 방문 What seems to be the problem, Corey? My eyesight is out of whack, doc. I mean, i'm only 49, so it shouldn't be deteriorating so fast. Starting in your late-30s, eye problems can creep up on you without you really noticing until it's bad. The worst part for me is that I've never even worn glasses in my life. I imagine that must be disappointing. If it's seri.. 2022. 6. 17. [파워잉글리쉬] Getting the Car Fixed: Taking It to the Mechanic (2022.04.13) Getting the car fixed: Taking it to the mechanic 차수리하기: 정비소에 맡기기 Hi, Carl! My car is making strange sounds so I thought I should drop it off with you before it gets worse. Preventive maintenance is never a waste of money. You're right. I don't want new problems cropping up in the near future. Did you buy this from a used-car dealer or a private seller? I saw an ad online and bought it from a pri.. 2022. 6. 15. 이전 1 2 3 다음 728x90 728x90