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[파워잉글리쉬] Exploring Our home Region: Virginia Wineries Exploring our home region: Virginia wineries 우리 지역 탐색하기: 버지니아 포도주 양조장 I'm excited to see what our region's wineries have to offer today. It's not Bordeaux, but there have been wineries in Virginia for more than three centuries. I think we'll see this region in a new light after this week. Since you're the designated driver, you won't get to taste the wine today. That's okay. If you stumble upon .. 2022. 6. 14.
[파워잉글리쉬] Southern Cooking: Strong and Spicy Flavors (2022.04.11) Southern cooking: Strong and spicy flavors I thought we should start with some New Orleans cuisine for your Southern cuisine experience. What do you have in mind? I was thinking alligator and crawfish gumbo. I think of it as a rite of passage for New Orleans cuisine. Alligator and crawfish? It definitely sounds adventurous. The flavors are strong and gumbo is usually a bit spicy. I guess this is.. 2022. 6. 13.
[파워잉글리쉬] How to Take Better Selfies (2022.04.09) How to take better selfies 셀카를 더 잘 찍는 방법 If you've ever looked at pictures you've taken of yourself and thought, "I can't believe I actually look like that." you're not alone. Taking selfies is as much a science as it is an art. For Instagram influencer Misty Reynolds, the secret is to take a bunch of pictures from different angles. This will allow you to figure out what looks best for you. For .. 2022. 6. 9.
[파워잉글리쉬] My First Job : Signing the Contract (2022.04.08) My first job : signing the contract 나의 첫 직장 : 계약서에 서명하기 Good morning, Shane. Did you have time to look at the contract i emailed you? i did. Everything looks good. New employee contracts are pretty much boilerplate. Only the names and a few numbers are changed. It meets all my requirements, and the one year bonus is very generous. That's why Flat Iron is the most sought-after employer in the ind.. 2022. 6. 9.