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[파워잉글리쉬] What Does That Say? I Can't Read Those Small Letters (2022.04.07)

by 플라잉블루 2022. 6. 9.

What does that say? I can't read those small letters.

뭐라고 써 있어요? 저 작은 글자들을 읽을 수가 없어요.


Eva, what does this say? I can't read it because the letters are too small.

That's too small? I think you need to see an eye doctor right away.

My eyesight has been getting worse lately, but I've been reluctant to go to the doctor.

Corey, you're 49. Don't be so proud that you're willing to sacrifice your quality of life.

You're right. I should take action now and preserve my eyesight before it gets worse.

Here's the contact info of an eye doctor I know and trust.


에바, 이게 뭐라고 써 있는거야? 글자가 너무 작아서 읽을 수가 없네.

저게 너무 작다고? 당장 안과에 가야할 것 같은데.

요즘 시력이 계속 나빠지고 있는데 병원에 가기가 꺼려졌어.

코리, 넌 49살이야. 너무 자만해서 삶의 질을 기꺼이 희생하지는 마.

네 말이 맞아, 더 나빠지기 전에 지금 조치를 취해서 내 시력을 보호해야 해.

여기 내가 알고 있는 신뢰할 만한 안과 의사 연락처야.




right away

- immediately; as soon as possible

곧바로, 즉시


quality of life

- overall enjoyment of life

삶의 질


take action

- to do something

조치를 취하다, 행동에 옮기다.


--- before it gets worse

더 나빠지기 전에~

